Monday, November 29, 2010

Futuremap Counselling

Indus World School is conducting one-to-one career counselling sessions for all students of the senior most Class IX. These sessions are based on the results of the FutureMap Test, a comprehensive career building and advisory program for school students. Each student had appeared for the elaborate 4 hour test spread over 2 days. This test from Career Launcher has helped students of Std. IX to XII from the best schools across the country choose a career best suited for them on the basis of their Aptitude, Personality and Interest.
The Principal, Mrs. Smita Rathore, said that FutureMap Test results were also validated with the class mentor, Mr. Thomson Verghese, and were found to be very accurate based on the children's observations. The career suggestions made on the basis of the report would help the children choose the right subject combination. During the counselling with parents of each child, they were also consulted about their own perceptions about their child's potential. Most parents said that they wanted their children to follow their dreams and were not putting any pressure of expectations. With a clearer roadmap in mind, the children would also be able to focus on their weekly and monthly learning objectives. This is in line with the school's recent initiative of inculcating leadership traits in the children right from Grade I. The programme lets students take charge of their learning, rather than let the school and curriculum decide it. The children are learning to set their own goals and keep track of the progress.
One of the parents, Mr. Sapan Bhattacharya father of Uttam Bhattacharya commented that it is rare to see such devotion and commitment in a school Principal when they were counselled till 7:30pm. He also mentioned that he felt very confident and reassured that his son, who had been suggested a career in law, will now find the right direction to move ahead.
Quite a few students were highly motivated to realize their tremendous hidden potential, though they may not have shown academic prowess. One such student's parents were convinced that hotel management was the perfect choice for their son, given his interest and aptitude for cooking and food production. Some of the students were also planning to take up performing arts as a serious career choice. They were provided with a detailed career book as per their suggested career choice. This book provides information about all the options within a career choice, and the list of institutions where this choice is offered.
The FutureMap Test is also offered online at for Rs. 2,500, but is administered free to all Indus World School students.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

QCT Practice

November 24, 2010

Dear Parent,


School is back into action after Diwali break with lots of cheer and gusto!

I am happy to share with you that we have started a practice in school which will help our children to become emotionally stronger and more self disciplined.

This practice is called quality circle time- QCT. Although we have been practicing QCT from the beginning with our children but now we have made it more formal and included in the class time table of each class.

Every Thursday will be QCT time for Nursery to Class V. Classes VI to IX will have QCT on every Monday and Tuesdy..

The purpose and the outcome of this practice…

Purpose of QCT –

  • To create a culture where all adults and children relate to each other in honest and enjoyable ways and learn to listen to each other and build a sense of ownership in the entire school community.

  • To help everyone to ‘know thyself’ and understand ones own strengths and weaknesses.
  • To develop the skills of Thinking, seeing/observing, concentrating, listening and speaking

Outcomes of QCT –

  • Practicing democratic processes to celebrate success and solve issues of concern.
  • Developing ability to respect differences
  • Motivation and willingness to share thoughts and feelings,
  • Learning to receive and give feedback
  • The practice will initiate collective responsibility for the promotion of self-esteem and positive behaviour.
  • It will establish a forum where children can help one another.

Please do let me know if you wish to know more about this practice. We will be happy to share it with you..may be you may try it home also.


Smita Rathore

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Buddy's Day

Indus World School celebrated Children's Day in the form of Buddy’s Day in an innovative way. Children of Classes I and above brought their "buddies" to school with them. All children thoroughly enjoyed the fun-filled activities at school. Children were very happy to take their friends around the school to show them all the classrooms and activity rooms. The class mentors performed skits and dances, played games and asked the children to share their experiences at the end of the program.
For classes I to III, there were various one minute games where in children had to pick up marbles and beans from their toes and gems from chopsticks, balancing matchsticks on a bottle horizontally placed on the table. They especially enjoyed their time on the adventure zone at the school, where they had to complete a track full of physical activities like running, crawling, jumping and climbing on ropes.
The senior children of classes IV to IX participated in outdoor group activities to develop their team skills. In classroom, after the introduction, importance of “OM” was shared. Everyone shared some positive points about their buddies. There was a closure time in the end for all classes, where everyone shared their thoughts about how did the day go. It was a great fun for the children. Everyone was given a Graduation cap in the end.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

लालू चालू कर दे लालटेन

लालू चालू कर दे लालटेन ,
भालू ना आ जाए ,
पीलू तू संभाल भालू को ,
कहीं आलू ना पाक जाए !
बालू में तू मत जा ,
धमाल मचा , और फूल को
मत टूटने दे ...
सूरज चूल्हे जैसा तपता रहेगा,
और तू झुला झूल !

Ninad Behl
Grade II Umang
( a poem using ' ऊ ' की मात्रा के शब्द )

Poems on Diwali by children of class 2

हम रंगोली बनायेंगे ,
दुनिया को सजायेंगे,
लड्डू पेडे खायेंगे,
घर में दिए जलाएंगे,
Happy Diwali मनाएंगे ।

Ira Thamman,
Class II Umang

Saturday, November 13, 2010


अमृत कहाँ होता ,
गर मंथन न होता सागर का .
[शायद आज व्यक्ति भागमभाग में , धन और मन के बहाव में अपने मूल उद्देश्यों को भूल गया है ]
हो सके ,तो करें मंथन मन का ,
करें मंथन विचारों का .
हो सके,तो करें मंथन दौड़ते क़दमों का ,
करें मंथन अपने व्यवहारों का ...
[आज हम विदेशी शैली को ज्यादा ही गले लगाते जा रहे हैं ]
हो सके, तो करें मंथन संस्कारों का
करें मंथन होते अपने व्यवहारों का
हो सके ,तो करें मंथन आदान-प्रदानों का
करें मंथन आपसी संबंधों का ...
[शायद हम आगे तभी बढ़ते हैं जब बुराइयों का विचार करते हैं ]
उजालों की सफलता नहीं होती,
गर मंथन न होता अंधियारों का ...
आजादी भी नहीं होती
गर मंथन न होता गुलामी का ....
[आज हम सब जिस इक नाम का गुणगान करते हैं ]
उद्गम न होता इंडस शैली का
गर मंथन न होता
सदियों पुरानी शिक्षा शैली का.
(यह कविता २/१०/१० को इंडस वर्ल्ड स्कूल इंदौर में आयोजित human lab.कार्यक्रम में दिए गए विषय के सन्दर्भ में लिखी गयी.यह एक आशु काव्य है जिसके रचयिता श्री गजेन्द्र पंवार हैं जो विद्यालय में गणित विषय के शिक्षक हैं.)


Career Counseling
Children of class IX had appeared for the FutureMap Test to arrive at the right career choices based on their Aptitude, Personality and Interests. Based on the result generated by the Futuremap Test, counseling sessions for parents and children are in progress.

Buddies Day
Children's Day is naturally a red letter day in any school calendar. This time, our children will be sharing the joy of Children's Day with their buddies as well. On Sunday, 14th Nov., children are coming to school with their buddies, looking forward to a day of fun-filled enjoyment.