Thursday, December 9, 2010

Meet The Leader

3rd December was a special day at school. This time we had Ms. Vinita Dharm, a senior leader with the Indore Municipal Corporation, with us as part of the Meet the Leader programme. We were also awaiting the results of the election that we had participated in!
Ms. Dharm told us many things about the working of the Indore Municipal Corporation - how the members are elected and how they work. She told us about the A to Z company that is responsible for cleanliness in our city. She informed us about the call centre and how if we have a complaint and it is not taken care of, the concerned authority gets a penalty. The responsible person may also get a penalty on their salary. If the waste is not removed even after complaint the A to Z company would be fined Rs. 100 for each waste bin that was not cleaned.
Ms. Dharm told us the importance of paying the tax on time and the right amount. This tax money eventually helps us in our needs like roads and cleanliness etc.
Ms. Dharm was also a teacher earlier. She encouraged us to utilize our precious time.

Now was the time to announce the results of the election. This was done by the Election Commissioner Jayesh Bhawsar of class IX. And the winner was the contestant from the Indus Aristocrat Party - Jatin Bhawsar!!!

Ms. Dharm gave us the numbers that can be contacted if we have any problems related to any of the departments.
Control Room - 932955502
A to Z company - 810901547
Health Department - 0731-434482
Call Centre - 155343

Click the following link for more picture.

Kirti Kulkarni
Class VIII

Thursday, December 2, 2010


As part of the chapter Electoral Politics in Social Science, Class IX conducted elections. These elections were as democratic as the actual process. Elections started with nomination of candidates. This happened keeping in mind the ratio of boys and girls in the class. Aman Tagore, Burhanuddin Khambati, Jatin Bhawsar and Vibhuti Thackar were nominated. The four parties were Allay Party, Ekta Party, Indus Aristocrats and Empowerment Party respectively. Each had supporters in the class and Jayesh Bhawsar was appointed the Election Commissioner.
As usual, the candidates with their supporters started campaigning and convincing people to elect them. (Some of us couldn't resist a bit of horse trading). The walls of the second floor were covered with posters and slogans for the elections.
Finally, the much awaited day arrived - 1st December! After the morning assembly, the candidates gave their speeches which were full of promises to make Indore and the country a better place. The day of the election also showed the main features of a democratic election - there was equality among all voters - class VI children's votes counted as much as the votes from class IX students which carried the same value as the votes given by our mentors. There was no discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, colour, career or age (classes III to V did not vote though - they were underage for our elections!)
A very strict Election Commissioner ensured free and fair elections. There were four polling booths and at each booth the process went very smoothly.
Now, with bated breaths we await the result which will be declared on 3rd December.
Click on the following link for more pictures

- Riya Godwani
Class IX

Monday, November 29, 2010

Futuremap Counselling

Indus World School is conducting one-to-one career counselling sessions for all students of the senior most Class IX. These sessions are based on the results of the FutureMap Test, a comprehensive career building and advisory program for school students. Each student had appeared for the elaborate 4 hour test spread over 2 days. This test from Career Launcher has helped students of Std. IX to XII from the best schools across the country choose a career best suited for them on the basis of their Aptitude, Personality and Interest.
The Principal, Mrs. Smita Rathore, said that FutureMap Test results were also validated with the class mentor, Mr. Thomson Verghese, and were found to be very accurate based on the children's observations. The career suggestions made on the basis of the report would help the children choose the right subject combination. During the counselling with parents of each child, they were also consulted about their own perceptions about their child's potential. Most parents said that they wanted their children to follow their dreams and were not putting any pressure of expectations. With a clearer roadmap in mind, the children would also be able to focus on their weekly and monthly learning objectives. This is in line with the school's recent initiative of inculcating leadership traits in the children right from Grade I. The programme lets students take charge of their learning, rather than let the school and curriculum decide it. The children are learning to set their own goals and keep track of the progress.
One of the parents, Mr. Sapan Bhattacharya father of Uttam Bhattacharya commented that it is rare to see such devotion and commitment in a school Principal when they were counselled till 7:30pm. He also mentioned that he felt very confident and reassured that his son, who had been suggested a career in law, will now find the right direction to move ahead.
Quite a few students were highly motivated to realize their tremendous hidden potential, though they may not have shown academic prowess. One such student's parents were convinced that hotel management was the perfect choice for their son, given his interest and aptitude for cooking and food production. Some of the students were also planning to take up performing arts as a serious career choice. They were provided with a detailed career book as per their suggested career choice. This book provides information about all the options within a career choice, and the list of institutions where this choice is offered.
The FutureMap Test is also offered online at for Rs. 2,500, but is administered free to all Indus World School students.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

QCT Practice

November 24, 2010

Dear Parent,


School is back into action after Diwali break with lots of cheer and gusto!

I am happy to share with you that we have started a practice in school which will help our children to become emotionally stronger and more self disciplined.

This practice is called quality circle time- QCT. Although we have been practicing QCT from the beginning with our children but now we have made it more formal and included in the class time table of each class.

Every Thursday will be QCT time for Nursery to Class V. Classes VI to IX will have QCT on every Monday and Tuesdy..

The purpose and the outcome of this practice…

Purpose of QCT –

  • To create a culture where all adults and children relate to each other in honest and enjoyable ways and learn to listen to each other and build a sense of ownership in the entire school community.

  • To help everyone to ‘know thyself’ and understand ones own strengths and weaknesses.
  • To develop the skills of Thinking, seeing/observing, concentrating, listening and speaking

Outcomes of QCT –

  • Practicing democratic processes to celebrate success and solve issues of concern.
  • Developing ability to respect differences
  • Motivation and willingness to share thoughts and feelings,
  • Learning to receive and give feedback
  • The practice will initiate collective responsibility for the promotion of self-esteem and positive behaviour.
  • It will establish a forum where children can help one another.

Please do let me know if you wish to know more about this practice. We will be happy to share it with you..may be you may try it home also.


Smita Rathore

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Buddy's Day

Indus World School celebrated Children's Day in the form of Buddy’s Day in an innovative way. Children of Classes I and above brought their "buddies" to school with them. All children thoroughly enjoyed the fun-filled activities at school. Children were very happy to take their friends around the school to show them all the classrooms and activity rooms. The class mentors performed skits and dances, played games and asked the children to share their experiences at the end of the program.
For classes I to III, there were various one minute games where in children had to pick up marbles and beans from their toes and gems from chopsticks, balancing matchsticks on a bottle horizontally placed on the table. They especially enjoyed their time on the adventure zone at the school, where they had to complete a track full of physical activities like running, crawling, jumping and climbing on ropes.
The senior children of classes IV to IX participated in outdoor group activities to develop their team skills. In classroom, after the introduction, importance of “OM” was shared. Everyone shared some positive points about their buddies. There was a closure time in the end for all classes, where everyone shared their thoughts about how did the day go. It was a great fun for the children. Everyone was given a Graduation cap in the end.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

लालू चालू कर दे लालटेन

लालू चालू कर दे लालटेन ,
भालू ना आ जाए ,
पीलू तू संभाल भालू को ,
कहीं आलू ना पाक जाए !
बालू में तू मत जा ,
धमाल मचा , और फूल को
मत टूटने दे ...
सूरज चूल्हे जैसा तपता रहेगा,
और तू झुला झूल !

Ninad Behl
Grade II Umang
( a poem using ' ऊ ' की मात्रा के शब्द )

Poems on Diwali by children of class 2

हम रंगोली बनायेंगे ,
दुनिया को सजायेंगे,
लड्डू पेडे खायेंगे,
घर में दिए जलाएंगे,
Happy Diwali मनाएंगे ।

Ira Thamman,
Class II Umang

Saturday, November 13, 2010


अमृत कहाँ होता ,
गर मंथन न होता सागर का .
[शायद आज व्यक्ति भागमभाग में , धन और मन के बहाव में अपने मूल उद्देश्यों को भूल गया है ]
हो सके ,तो करें मंथन मन का ,
करें मंथन विचारों का .
हो सके,तो करें मंथन दौड़ते क़दमों का ,
करें मंथन अपने व्यवहारों का ...
[आज हम विदेशी शैली को ज्यादा ही गले लगाते जा रहे हैं ]
हो सके, तो करें मंथन संस्कारों का
करें मंथन होते अपने व्यवहारों का
हो सके ,तो करें मंथन आदान-प्रदानों का
करें मंथन आपसी संबंधों का ...
[शायद हम आगे तभी बढ़ते हैं जब बुराइयों का विचार करते हैं ]
उजालों की सफलता नहीं होती,
गर मंथन न होता अंधियारों का ...
आजादी भी नहीं होती
गर मंथन न होता गुलामी का ....
[आज हम सब जिस इक नाम का गुणगान करते हैं ]
उद्गम न होता इंडस शैली का
गर मंथन न होता
सदियों पुरानी शिक्षा शैली का.
(यह कविता २/१०/१० को इंडस वर्ल्ड स्कूल इंदौर में आयोजित human lab.कार्यक्रम में दिए गए विषय के सन्दर्भ में लिखी गयी.यह एक आशु काव्य है जिसके रचयिता श्री गजेन्द्र पंवार हैं जो विद्यालय में गणित विषय के शिक्षक हैं.)


Career Counseling
Children of class IX had appeared for the FutureMap Test to arrive at the right career choices based on their Aptitude, Personality and Interests. Based on the result generated by the Futuremap Test, counseling sessions for parents and children are in progress.

Buddies Day
Children's Day is naturally a red letter day in any school calendar. This time, our children will be sharing the joy of Children's Day with their buddies as well. On Sunday, 14th Nov., children are coming to school with their buddies, looking forward to a day of fun-filled enjoyment.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gold for Aryan!

In the Inter school skating competition for Sahodaya Schools in “Samagam 2010-11” held on 29.10.10 Aryan D’souza, class IV from Indus World School Indore bagged 1st Prize in below 12yrs category.

Congratulations Aryan from the entire Indus World School family!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Poem about preserving our environment

मेरी नानी एक कहानी सुनाती
अपने बचपन की यादें संजोती
कहती काश वो दिन फिर आते
और हमें आभास कराते

कि क्या-क्या खो दिया हमने
तरक्की की इस होड़ में भागते

एक गौरैया का घोसला था घर में
मखमली सी घास पर थे दो अंडे
बच्चों से आँख-मिचौली खेल में
उनमें से आखिर निकले थे चूजे

आज कहाँ कोई गौरैया घर में
कहाँ उसके चूजे जन्में
मिट्टी की गौरैया रह गयी
मिट्टी के ही चूजे शेल्फ में

कि क्या-क्या खो दिया हमने
तरक्की की इस होड़ में भागते

नानी बताती उस नदी की कहानी
जो बहती थी बस कुछ ही दूरी पर
हर सुबह सब बच्चे जाते
नहाते और खूब मस्त हो जाते

आज भी वह नदी है बहती
पर गन्दगी के आंसू झरती
सारे शहर के लोग बस उसे
एक गन्दा नाला ही समझते

कि क्या-क्या खो दिया हमने
तरक्की की इस होड़ में भागते

नानी के घर के पास के खुले मैदान में
बसा था बच्चों का पूरा संसार
स्कूल के बाद के चार घंटों में
बटोरते रंग और खुशियाँ अपार

उस मैदान का एक कोना
आज बन गया कचरे का ढेर
बाकी हिस्से पर इमारतें बनीं
जो ढोतीं बच्चों की किताबों का बोझ

कि क्या-क्या खो दिया हमने
तरक्की की इस होड़ में भागते

नानी से और ना कहा जाता
आँखें नम हो जातीं थीं
अपने अतीत के उन पलों में
हमारा भविष्य खोजती थीं

शायद हम बहुत कुछ ना कर सकें
नानी की कहानी को फिर से जीवंत करने में
पर थोड़ी कोशिश तो अवश्य करें
उसकी छवि को संजोने में

- अनिरुद्ध फड़के 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Story-telling by a first grader

Bhaskar Karmakar tells a story during one of our story-telling sessions in his class. Very endearing indeed!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Contribution to the Society

Indus World School is proud to present the Official Website of the Indore Zoo, Our children contributed to the content for the site, while the technical expertise was provided by, the complete web portal of Indore.

Please do check out the site and give your feedback. We are happy with the humble beginning, but would want the city to get involved in maintaining the site. We hope that this will also generate renewed interest in the Zoo, and help make it better and better.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jogi Bhadak

Classes VI and VII went to Jogi- Bhadak on 8th August. This water fall is located in Manpur. It was really a trek full of fun, enjoyment and excitement. In bus we played antakshri, we sang a lot of songs. When we reached Manpur it was around 11:30. When we started the trek, at first we saw a lot of mint (podinhara) planted around. Then some of my friends and I started to collect some stones present over there. The one which I picked up looked like a crystal! On some stones fungus was also there. Then as we moved beyond, I was very scared because the area seemed a bit dangerous also. But our mentors were with us and they guided us. Then we stopped in between for some rest and to have lunch. At lunch time we were feeling very hungry. We had brought our own food and some of us had already started finishing our lunch boxes while we were still walking!. After lunch we walked for some more time and then we were almost near the river. Then the real fun began. Within no time, all of us were in the river, splashing water at each other. We had a lot of fun in the river. We continued playing in the river for nearly three hours and then we changed and came back to the school, this time also we were busy playing antakshari in the bus. One lesson that I did learn is that I need to be both mentally and physically strong. This was a good test of my stamina and endurance.
Nachiketa Garg
Class VII (Prachi)

Monday, August 9, 2010

4th August - a very auspicious day, the birth of Kishore da. Class 8 Vasant got the golden opportunity to visit Indore Christian College, where Kishore da got his higher education. He made some of his wonderful songs in the college itself which are very well known. He dedicated his life for music and became a famous personality in the world. When we went there, an uncle guided us and told whatever he knew about Kishore Da. In a room all his memories were reserved with the help of some clippings, cutouts, photos and many more things. Few of my classmates got the opportunity to sing with Srichand uncle. He was a person in college who immitated and admired him for what he was. After all these plesant things, media came and captured those wonderful moments.While the media was on their job, the principal came and gave him honour by saying few words about him.

I would like to wind up by saying that we are looking for some more such golden opportunities.


Arundhati Singh

Class 8th Vasant

Monday, August 2, 2010


On Sunday 25th July we went for a trek. We all were ready and were waiting to go to the place known as Panchprapat. We left our school at around eight in the morning and reached there at eleven. On the way to our destination we crossed the Army School. We sang songs all over and had fun. When we reached there we were assigned some numbers. All of us started our journey... we came across a river...the breeze was very cold, cooler than ACs. We named it "Natural AC". Than we moved ahead and saw the model of a dam. Than we entered a forest of Eucalyptus. In our journey we came across many big puddles. Thomson sir gave us challenges and we tried to meet those challenges. It was complete fun.Then we crossed a river, which was real adventure.

At last we reached a place where we needed a strong foot grip to cross a mountain which was very slippery. Finally we reached the beautiful, incredible waterfall.The fall was hitting the rocks hard. The sound it made was musical and the scene nostalgic.

This was experience of the life time... I can never forget it.
Parth Bhalerao.
Class 8th. (VASANT)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Creativity Unleashed!

I had this unexpected occasion to spend some time without a fixed agenda in the class, due to lot of students of the class busy in a football match. Rejecting their requests for playing outside, I asked them to show me some creativity. The task was to "draw" words that could convey the meaning of the words too. A few examples could be as shown here.

Initially, the children seemed to be struggling with the designs. But gradually, they caught on the task, and here are some creations that I could capture. In fact, it was difficult to keep up with their pace. Of course, there were some that bordered on being highly cryptic to be deciphered. There were still others that were not original creations. Nevertheless, quite commendable.

Reward: A game of Pen-Fight

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Television for children at home

As a mentor, and a parent, I am always intrigued with the discussions revolving around the TV viewing habits of our children. Parents always lament on the excessive time their children spend in front of the idiot box. Invariably, their complaint is about the quality and quantity of programmes. Pre-teens are usually seen engrossed in cartoon shows that seem to be a nuisance to an adult mind. Teenagers, on the other hand, prefer reality shows and film-based programmes.

As a mentor believing in the code of "free-will", I would want to give the child freedom to choose. The only way to achieve this to give the child viable choices. If the parents give a child an alternative like "Do your homework" or "Read a book" to TV, the child doesn't seem to have a comparable choice to the TV show. How then do we expect the child to happily accept the not-so-good choice? Even if the child goes into her room to study, her ears will always be craving for the sound coming out of your favourite soap on TV. More so, her mind will also be questioning the unfair treatment from an adult human being to a child human being.

Now try this: Just start doing a "real experiment" in the room next to the TV room with your door open. If you are like I am, you would find it difficult to creatively think of a ingenious experiment. No fret! Just browse for some exciting stuff on the net, and you can just start by "copying" something off the net. One of my favourite starters is creating a volcanic eruption by mixing some vinegar, floor and baking soda. You can do the experiment in the lawn to give it a more natural touch. When I did this one the first time, my children didn't even seem to acknowledge the presence of the TV. You could get some really cool ideas from sites like and

The bottomline is: If you want your children off the TV set, do it yourself first. Do something together and you would have given your children a "viable" choice.

PS: Add me (anirudhphadke) to your delicious account to browse through some of the interesting bookmarks that may just come in handy in doing something creative with your children.


I planted seed when I was ten,

Seed grew as tall as men,

It was a mango seed,

I watered it as a feed.

It gave me tasty mangoes,

Which I used to eat and go.

Everyone eats and says too sweet

the mangoes should not fall on T-shirt it should be neat.

Oh! Now I am 24.....

.... I used to eat more mangoes before.

By :

Neil Kulkarni

Classs 5 Purvai

Friday, July 16, 2010

Inter-House English Recitation

We witnessed enthusiastic participation from almost every class in the event. It was great to see our children from J1 giving an equal challenge to their seniors! The poems ranging from 'The Camel's Hump' to 'Daffodils' to 'When Daddy fell in the Pond' were enjoyed by both the participants and the audience.
Mrs. Avni Nimwal and Mrs. Shilpa Rajawat judged the event.
Shreenivas Mandpe of class VII Prachi beautifully conducted the entire programme!
The results are

1. Kashish Chaturvedi - Class V Purvai - House Vayu
2. Hemang Gupta - Class IV Veena - House Agni
Kasvi Swami - Class V Purvai - House Agni
3. Sanya Shrivastav - Class III Bhoomi - House Vayu

1. Tushita Joshi - Class VII Prachi - House Agni
2. Arundhati Singh - Class VIII Vasant - House Vayu
3. Ruchika Bhuwalka - Class VIII Vasant - House Vayu

Congratulations to all the participants and to the winners.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Poem on Mentor Training

मध्य प्रदेश है राज्य जिसका
शहर है इंदौर
उसके इंडस वर्ल्ड स्कूल में
शुरू हुआ ट्रेनिंग का दौर|

पहले दिन जब आये थे
सहमे कुछ घबराये थे
आदत नहीं थी बैठने की
चढ़ा नींद का ज़ोर|

ट्रेनिंग देने स्मिता आयीं
गाने सुनाये, मन को भाई
"core values" की जब दी दुहाई
झटका खा गया मन का चोर|

Vygotsky, Erikson और Piaget
बदले सब विचार हमारे
चल पड़ा हमारा मन
अब तो बाल-जगत की ओर|

कलाकार बने और मूर्तिकार भी
puppets से खेले बनकर बच्चे
अपनी कृति देखी जब
फिर नाच उठा ये मन का मोर|

संगणक के सुप्रयोग ने
दिखाई नयी राहें हमें
२०२५ में स्कूल की
कल्पना में मचाया खूब शोर|

गणित की पढाई ओ बंधू
हमको तो बहुत ही भाई
कहानी कहने की कला ने
पकड़ा फिर और भी जोर|

व्यायाम, योग और संगीत के
बने प्रशंसक हम सभी
थाठ, ताल और तोडे फिर
कत्थक से चला नृत्य का दौर|

देखे जो हमने तबले, सारंगी
दुनिया हुई रंग-बिरंगी
आंकलन का समय बीता
चढ़ा फिर प्रदर्शन का जोर|

--स्वप्ना (a New Mentor)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A phenomenal way to learn about Pyramids!

Did you ever wonder how were the Great Pyramids built? Were they built top down, or bottom up? Inside out, or Outside first? How did they manage to move tons of building material to the right place in those times? Did the Egyptians have the kind of engineering and architectural knowledge to make these astounding structures?

I came across this great site that beautifully tries to answer these questions using 3D graphics. The theory is by Jean-Pierre Houdin, and I believe a student will definitely learn more from this than a history textbook.

You can view the complete video and read about it here...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Countdown to the new Session

We didn't realize it, but the holidays are almost over. Its been a hectic period of work to be done at the school, to make it ready for the new session. The first set of parents arrived at the school yesterday and today for an orientation session.

The parents, especially those of the newly admitted students, wear that curious and apprehensive look on their faces. They are probably too much under the pre-conditioned impressions of a school atmosphere. An atmosphere where the Principal is that stern-looking woman/ man who doesn't want to be disturbed or talked to. Where the teachers want the parents to behave as if they have committed a grave mistake bringing up their children till date.

Thankfully, at our school, it was just a matter of the first impression that changed the perspective. The informal seating arrangement followed by an introduction to the group put them at ease with each other. Though some of the parents surely got a little psyched with the "Expectations from the Parents" slide, it didn't really make them unduly alarmed. There was an understated balance between what was expected from the parents and what would be delivered from the school.

There were, of course, a few concerns by parents about the buses not coming to their doorstep, and hence causing inconvenience. But these, I guess, are healthy regular requests that can be resolved amicably. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have highly understanding parents with us.

Last, and the most important bullet point about the session beginning this month. We have decided to go paperless in the true sense, when it comes to our school communication. If I remember correctly, we sent more than 50 sheets of paper to each parent last year! That's about 17,500 sheets or 35 reams sent to you. As per, it takes one tree to make 17 reams. That's 2 trees last year! With the number of students going up, we are bound to kill more trees this year. So we decided to do something about it. This year onwards, we will communicate only through the SIS, Email, sms and phones.

Please do your bit in saving our trees. Better still, plant a few in the city too. Indore surely could do with more trees!

Happy start for the new session...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Protsaah Scholarship Is Back Again!

Protsaah Scholarship Test is an initiative of Indus World School for providing special educational scholarship to secure the future of a child’s talent. Protsaah Scholarship Test will be conducted for students of class III to IX, where scholarship will be offered in academics.

The test will be held on 16th May at Indus World School, 9, Sanyogitaganj, Near Mission Hospital, Chhawani.

Special mentoring support and fee waivers will be given to the winners: -

Educational Mentoring Support:

Free coaching for NTSE/Olympiad at grade level

50% to 100% FREESHIPS on CAREER COACHING EXAMINATION in Class 10th /11th /12th backed by Career Launcher

FREE Future Map: Psychometric testing for Career Guidance and counseling in Class 9th

Subscription of educational/career magazines for the scholarship period

Fee Waivers:

100% waiver in admission fee of Indus World School

Tuition Fee waivers for 3 years

Apart from this,

Educational Tours to other IWS campuses for All India Exposure.

Special classes on language and Personality Development

Personalized mentoring

Membership of All India IWS societies such as Robotics society/ Mathematics society etc.

This scholarship test will give the child a chance to nurture his/her interests and give us a chance to secure a fruitful future for his/her talent. Only a selected few will qualify for Protsaah Scholarship.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Infinity in pictures

For more photographs of Infinity and class photographs please visit

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


As the year ends - the school, the mentors and the children everybody looks forward for their annual function. Our annual function "Infinity" was also being awaited eagerly by all.
Though the program was scheduled for 17th Apr 10' in the evening at 6:00 but its enthusiasm was visible all around the corridors, long before.
As usual our children were also involved in organising the event. The program commenced at the scheduled time with shlokas and saraswati vandana, followed by a speech from our Principal Mrs. Smita Rathore.Then there was a skit followed by a dance of "ananda" children.
Then came our little friends of nursery to present a rajasthani folk dance. It was a wonderful sight to see the nursery kids performing. Most of them were busy searching for their parents amongst the audience, and all those who could manage to see their parents, started their conversation from the stage itself.
Then were several folk dances, like "bamboo dance", "giddah" and skits like "Foolish Rabbit" and "Chanakya". For these dances the songs were sung by the children, music was managed by the children, compering and stage co-ordination was also done by the children.
Watching children of classes 6,7 and 8, doing so well, gave a great sense of achievement.What else could one expect from the children of this age?
Organising and managing an event at this age... taking responsibility of making their event a success... is a big thing. Most of us, even now will think twice before taking such a big responsbility.
Do you think that these qualities, this confidence... can be taught through books? Do you think you'll find it in any curriculum?
No! all this comes when you believe in your children... When you give them freedom... Freedom even to make mistakes, when you apreciate your children for what they are, and do not bully them for what you want them to be...
That is why Indus World School says "know thyself"...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Business Of Schools..

Schools are notoriously tough to scale up and the government isn’t letting profit-motivated models to take off. But a new breed of entrepreneurs is experimenting with some solutions.

To read what Chairman of Indus World School- Satya Narayanan has to say about it visit

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How imaginative a child can be...

This is an elephant that has been made by one of our students Baladitya Rane of class 2. This has been made by the scraps of paper, left out by one of the didis who was making paper flowers for art & craft. This boy came and within split of a second he made an elephant with bits of paper.
Here at Indus World School, we let the children explore and results are really encouraging.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Indus Students shine in the National Olympiad!

Indus World School, Indore Class 7 and 8 students participated in the National Olympiad for Science, English , Maths and Cyber conducted by Eduheal Foundation. The results, as expected, were very encouraging indeed. A snapshot summary of the reaults:
  • ALL students of Indus have scored 90%ile plus in ALL tests. In other words, our lowest  performer is in the top 10% of the country!
  • Out of 35 students of class 7 and 8 who took the 4 tests, we have 21 instances of  a National Merit Certificate being awarded.
  • We have 4 Top 10 state rank instances.
  • In each test we have a state rank in the top 30.
Class 7 Percentile Results 
    Class 7 Best Score Lowest IWSI Score Best State Rank Total test takers
    Maths 97.6 90 20 24000+
    Cyber 99.2 90 4 6700+
    Science 98.5 90.24 9 20000+
    English 98.1 90.1 4 11000+

    Class 8 Percentile Results 

    Class 8 Best Score Lowest IWSI Score Best State Rank Total test takers
    Maths 96.4 90.17 17 22000+
    Cyber 97.55 90.79 11 6400+
    Science 94.1 90.05 27 24000+
    English 96.2 90 9 10000+

    We are proud of our students' performance, especially as we didn't give them much time to prepare for the test. This will put to rest any apprehensions about the academic strength of the Indus Way of Learning.

    My Son

    I was going for my first outbound and my son saw the photographs of an outbound which took place earlier. He got scared about the risk involved in the activities and was tense, as I don’t know how to swim. I tried to explain and took him into confidence but he was little upset. In the evening when I asked him something, he shouted at me, which I did not like. I just told that we would talk when he would be in a good mood. Saying this I left him alone to think. After a short while he came and said sorry to me. I told him that I was not expecting an apology from him but simply wanted him to think about the temper he had thrown. The next thing that I had from him was a letter to me in which he had written, ‘Dear mummy, sorry (many times), mujhe maaf kar do.’ This way he wrote seven letters handing them over to me again and again. He kept on saying to his grandparents, “Mein likhte jaaonga jab tak Mummy maaf nahi kar degi”. Finally he came with a sorry note pasted on his forehead with the help of a tape. Looking at that I burst into laughter and hugged him-my son had learnt to respect my feelings now.
    Leena Behl
    Mentor - Indus World School.

    Thursday, March 25, 2010

    Feelings of a child as narrated to his mother...

    Mumma !!

    मम्मी है ये प्यारी प्यारी,
    बातें करती प्यारी प्यारी
    है भी वो प्यारी प्यारी,
    सबसे ज्यादा बेटे से,
    बातें करती प्यारी प्यारी ।
    चुदियाँ वो पहनती है,
    लिपस्टिक भी लगाती है।
    ग्रीन vegetables मुझे पसंद है,
    इसलिए मुझे lady's finger बना कर वो देती है।
    black pepper भी डालती है।
    सारा काम खुद करती है ।
    मम्मी आप प्यारी हो ,
    सामान choose करती हो तो बेटे से पूछती हो
    ये लें , या वो लें?
    खाना भी देती हो,
    सारा खाना खुद नहीं खाती हो।
    अपने husband , बच्चों और मेहमानों को खिलाती हो।
    मम्मी तो प्यारी है
    mistake हो तो बता देती है की
    mistake हो गई है....

    Daksh Vyas
    PPI Parijat

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    Sir Ken Robinson: Schools Kill Creativity

    In his imitable witty way, Sir Ken Robinson, makes the most serious observations about how schooling is not getting our children ready for future.

    Wednesday, March 17, 2010

    Our Schools are pressure cookers...didn't we know it anyway!

    I came across some really alarming news reports about levels of stress in school children today and I thought of posting the links here with some quotes from them too:

    The first one was from CNN: Student suicides worry Mumbai educators
    By Mallika Kapur and Harmeet Shah Singh, CNN
    February 4, 2010 12:42 a.m. EST

    (Video may take time to can go through some quotes from the same story meanwhile)

    ""It's hard to talk about our experience again and again. But I do it. I do it for my daughter."
    --Mahesh Poddar (father of Mini, who committed suicide at the age of 15 years)"

    "India has one of the highest suicide rates in the world -- and recent studies suggest about 40 percent are adolescents."

    "India's education system is based on rote learning, or memorization, with a strong emphasis on scoring high marks. Classrooms are typically places filled with boiler cooker pressure."

    "The suicides were a wake-up call for educators, said Sangeeta Srivastava, principal of Sardar Vallabhai Patel Vidyala, a government school in North Mumbai...Recently, a student from her school ran away from home before exams. "As teachers, we have a lot of effect on the students, even more than parents do," she said."

    The second one is a BBC Story: Alarm at Mumbai's teenage suicide trend
    By Zubair Ahmed
    BBC News, Mumbai 
    11:32 GMT, Monday, 1 February 2010

    It begins with Neha Sawant's suicide story in Mumbai and then takes us through the main causes of high suicide rates in India.

    Some quotes from this story:
    "There is also a general agreement between psychologists and teachers that the main reason for the high number of teenagers taking their own lives is the increasing pressure on children to perform well in exams."

    "World Health Organisation Assistant Director-General Catherine Le Gals-Camus points out more people die from suicide around the world than from all homicides and wars combined."

    "The home ministry estimates that for every teenage suicide in Mumbai there are 13 failed attempts."

    "Ms. Timbekar says that she recently met a child who had not eaten for four days. The child's parents said they were upset with him because he only got 89% in exams and stood third in the class, compared to coming first in previous years. "Such parents need to be counselled," she asserts."

    "Dilip Panicker argues that there is a simple solution."If parents love their children unconditionally, with all their successes and failures, the problem would be greatly alleviated."

    Is this what our school education is moving to? At Indus, thankfully, we are completely aware of our responsibilities and are committed to ensure a healthy environ. 

    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    A cute story by a child of class I

    Jupiter Story

    I and my friend are astronauts. First we went to Mercury to a toy shop.Second trip for us is Venus. The third trip is Mars.The fourth trip is to jupiter.The fifth is saturn, we run in the saturn. The sixth trip is Uranius. The seven trip was to neptune, alien attacked us.Than we attack the alien space ship.Then the last trip was pluto, it was very cold. Then we go back to earth.


    Arnav Bhaiji,

    Class I Chinar

    Saturday, February 27, 2010

    Grandparents' Day at Indus World School!

    Grand Parents’ Day was celebrated in Indus World School today. This day was celebrated by classes Nursery to Class II and the activities were conducted classwise. In all the classes, children performed several activities like dance, role-play and songs. In some classes grandparents took the initiative in creating cards as tokens of love for their grandchildren. It was indeed a very exciting experience to watch some of the Dadajis, dadijis, nanajis and nanijis to enter the class with animal masks on their faces and in some classes they also shared stories, songs and their experiences. In one of the classes, the grandparents went out of the way to touch a child’s heart by attending his class as his grandparents since his own grandparents were not present!

    Our Principal, Mrs. Smita Rathore, said that Indus World School believes in creating a learning environment by involving the child’s own world of parents, grandparents, and friends for a holistic growth and development. It is very rare that we acknowledge the contribution of our loved ones in our day-to-day life. Hence we took this opportunity to thank the grandparents on behalf of the children by making them perform activities of their choice.

    This is what we call ‘Building relationships’ and strengthening them with bonds of love and gratitude!

    Wednesday, February 24, 2010

    Ananda Olympics...

    “Ananda Olympics”… What is this? The name suggests it has something to do with sports, and as it is sports and ananda (joy) is synonymous.
    From today, we have organized some sports activities for children of Ananda group that is from Nursery to Class II at Indus World School.
    The event began with the inauguration, by the children of Ananda group. Children ran around the school with colorful ribbons in their hands. It was such a wonderful sight, some children ran…some stopped in the way… and some preferred to opt for a short cut.
    After this the children were taken to the ground where they were divided into four groups.Then began race, relay and many more wonderful activities designed by our Baghel sir and Vishnu sir.
    The event will continue for one more day.
    Looking forward for much more fun and excitement on the ground.